Having a hard time with your dogs behavior? Let me help!

I teach using an advanced method that encompasses the entire essence of the dog. When implemented correctly this approach has reliably shown incredible results THAT LAST!

I work with every behavior imaginable. Any breed, age, or struggle you are having, I can help. Specializing in reactivity, and aggressive behaviors in adult dogs.



“Robyn really has a lot of knowledge about our dogs. She delivers such valuable information that I will be able to use with my dogs. I wish I had met her sooner. So happy we reached out. She not only educates you on how to work with your dog in a kind loving successful way, but teaches us WHY the dogs understand this method.”

- Sandy B


Robyn Scatena

Dog Behavioral Consultant

Dog Trainer

Learning the language of the dog has been one of my lifelong passions.  How can you have such a strong bond with your pet and not try to better understand them? As a child it always seemed we were trying to get our dogs to understand us, and rarely did people take the time to try and understand them.  Dogs are man’s best friend, constant companions and treated as some people’s children, yet very few dog owners understand their dog’s reality. My passion has been trying to see this world through their eyes.

Dogs are simple beings yet extraordinarily complex at the same time.  I have always observed and questioned dog behavior; why does my dog react to this person but not that person? Why do some dogs naturally behave well, with little to no work from the owner, yet another dog with similar upbringing has more behavioral problems than I can list? Questions like these kept me up many nights. I had to know.     

     I decided to learn about dogs on the deepest level possible - their reality. I felt like if I could learn how dogs think or rather feel, I could teach owners how to understand them.  Along my journey I began to learn that dogs do not think the way humans do; rather a dog’s reality is through feelings of emotion. A dog lives through their heart rather than their mind.  After studying many well-known and respected dog trainers, I began to piece the puzzle of a dog’s reality together more and more.  Just think of the many ways we lean on dogs in the human world; protection, companionship, therapy, seeing eye dogs, search and rescue, army, and many more. Yet with most training methods we are not tuning into their reality but ours instead.  If you start working with a dog on an emotional level with a strong, genuine connection the results are immediate, rewarding and encompass your entire relationship and home life. 

Sharing this knowledge with dog owners has been the most rewarding career I could have ever dreamed of. 


Get In Touch

Do you want to book a FREE phone consultation? Or just learn more about my training? Just fill out this quick form and I’ll get right back to you to as soon as possible.

  •  robynk9mama@gmail.com

  • (815) 403-7183